Thursday, January 31, 2008

Britney Spears SuperBowl Commerical

Britney Spears Superbowl Commercial for Pepsi

Well, Rock N Roll and Pop star Britney Spears is back in the news, let's take a look at Britney Spears Super Bowl Pepsi commercial! Britney Spears has made many super bowl commercials, I'm not sure what the folks at Pepsi wanted to convey with their super bowl commercials starring Britney Spears, did it work for you? Did you run out and buy cases of Pepsi after watching super bowl commercial like this one? Me either. I ran out and bought pepto bismol.

Can you imagine what she is doing for Youth Football? There are probably kids everywhere wanting to run out and be a football star and drink Pepsi because they say it on a commercial

I guess it's the fact that Britney has such a following from kids and teens that Pepsi thought it could wrap up that demographic from Coca Cola. I just don't know if Britney Spears is the spokesperson one should have when trying to capture the kid-teen market!

Britney Spears superbowl commercial for Pepsi

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